Becoming a Creativejawns ambassador means becoming part of our mission to create a sense of community and support among young women, particularly during the transformative college process. Our goal is to empower each other and those around us to find comfort during chaotic times and to embrace creative self-expression through our trendy and unique range of products and services. In this program, you'll create connections that evolve into forever friendships and a second family.


Key Goals of Our Ambassador Program:

  • Community

  • Promotion

  • Creativity

1. Build a Strong Community: My vision is to create a sense of family among the team, allowing them to rely on and support each other throughout the challenges of this transformative year. The power of networking within this community can simplify the process of finding college roommates and friends, making it a valuable resource for everyone involved.

2. Brand Promotion: Our ambassadors play a pivotal role in promoting CreativeJawns across all digital platforms. Ambassadors will actively share our content on their stories, craft engaging TikTok videos featuring our brand and products, and reshare Creativejawns posts. Word-of-mouth promotion is equally just as important, where ambassadors encourage their family and friends to follow and support our brand.

3. Content Creation: We look to our ambassadors to contribute fresh ideas for content, designs, and marketing strategies. Staying informed about trending topics, memes, and current social media trends is crucial.

What our past ambassadors have to say:

  • Haylie Sherman

    Ohio State Class of 2028

    Being a creativejawns ambassador was by far one of my favorite parts of my senior year. Not only did I learn so much about the amazing brand but I made friendships that will last forever with the other ambassadors and gained a role model/mentor. I looked forward to our zoom meetings and counted down the days until our meetups. Having a group of people by my side during the college process was so helpful and Allie taught me so much about what it means to be a part of something bigger than yourself. I will forever be grateful for my experience this past year and I would recommend becoming a CJ ambassador to any incoming Senior!!!!

  • Zoe Lieberman

    Boston University Class of 2028

    Being a creativejawns ambassador was my favorite part of senior year (other than getting into my dream school… GO TERRIERS)! Not only did I get so much experience and insight on how creativejawns works behind the scenes, but I also connected with so many incredible girls outside my normal circle who have become some of my closest friends. Senior year is both so exciting and overwhelming, and having my CJ fam to relate to and laugh with was so important to me. Throughout this program I have made the connections, and I can’t wait to see the next group of girls thrive and make the most of all the creativejawns ambassador program has to offer!

  • Kylie Tammaro

    Penn State University Class of 2026

    Being a Creativejawns ambassador during my senior year in 2021-2022 was truly the highlight of my year! The connections I made through this program are beyond anything I could have imagined. My sorority little and I initially connected because she was an ambassador on the team right after mine, which gave us an instant bond and so much in common. (I even made her big little decorations creativejawns themed). Without Creativejawns, I might never have went out of my way to get to know her, and she wouldn't have become not just my little, but my best friend. Allie and I have also become incredibly close—I genuinely consider her like a big sister. This experience has had such a profound impact on my life, and if you’re a senior, applying to be on the Creativejawns team is the best decision you can make!

  • Lily Dulman

    University of Wisconsin Class of 2028

    My favorite thing about being a creativejawns ambassador was the lifelong bonds that it created. Not only do I now have 14 girls to rely on but this experience and people helped me grow as an individual. I loved any hilarious text in the group chat, zoom call, business lessons by Allie, and, of course, the brand trip. This ambassadorship is truly one of a kind and I could not be any more grateful for it. I cannot stress enough how special this program is and how it truly made my senior year! I now have a new family I would never have met otherwise.

  • Emma Golub

    University of Florida Class of 2028

    Getting the text from Allie that I was chosen to become a CJ ambassador was one of the best feelings! This experience was like no other. From the brand trip, learning what this brand is truly about and meeting the best of friends, it’s safe to say I wouldn’t have changed a thing! If you have any uncertainty about applying to be a CJ ambassador I’m telling you DO IT!!!!! You won’t regret it!!!! Seriously the most special, fulfilling experience with the best people!! It made the college process and all the anxiety that comes with it so much better. Forever thankful for my CJ fam.

  • Ali Lasky

    University of Florida Class of 2027

    Being an ambassador for CJ in 2023 was without a doubt one of my favorite parts of senior year. Not only did I form an amazing relationship with Allie and all of the other ambassadors but I learned what it feels like to truly be a part of such a special impactful community. I am eternally grateful for this experience and the amazing humans that I was able to meet throughout it. I will love creativejawns with my whole entire heart forever and ever. If you are a HS senior who doesn’t apply, you’re missing out because this program has the ability to impact your life in so many different ways.

  • Audrey Goodstein

    Ohio State Class of 2028

    Being a creativejawns ambassador was definitely one of the best parts of my senior year. It gave me an outlet to ask/share anything about the college process, which helped a ton. It also allowed me to expand my network and meet sooo many people! Some of the girls I’ve met through this program are the absolute sweetest ever and I’m so grateful. This past year has taught me to be a team player and be a part of a community so much bigger than myself. I wouldn’t have traded the experiences, opportunities and friendships creativejawns has given me for the world.

  • Gabby Daddario

    Florida State University Class of 2028

    I love being a part of the creativejawns community. I met so many amazing girls that have now become my best friends. Also, being able to help work on BTS projects over the year was such a great learning opportunity. I learned so much about how to run a business, how to market to your audience, and so much more from the best!!! It was such a great experience and I’m so thankful for creativejawns and everything it has brought me!!

  • Marley Eaton

    University of Michigan Class of 2028

    Being a creativejawns ambassador was such an amazing experience to make new lifelong friends & amazing memories. From zoom calls, to texting in the group chat, the brand trip, & much more I got to learn new things and have the most amazing senior year. I’m so lucky for the relationships I’ve made with Allie & each and every ambassador because I know I always have someone to talk to. Being an ambassador was the most amazing experience that I will forever cherish.

  • Caroline Cener

    University of South Carolina Class of 2028

    I loved being a creativejawns ambassador because of all the people I met. Not only did I meet 14 of the sweetest and best girls, I was introduced to so many older girls who have given me such good advice going into freshman year. The community created by Allie is like no other and gave me so many things to look forward to over the year whether it was weekly zooms or the brand trip. I love creativejawns!!!!!

  • Elle Goldman

    Penn State Class of 2028

    Being a creativejawns ambassador has truly impacted my life for the better. There is no stronger community than girls who are all there to support and help each other through not only the college process but also just the ins and outs of senior year in general. Through this network I have created so many new friendships and have had so many opportunities to help grow this amazing brand. creativejawns is such a unique and special experience and I am so lucky to have been a part of it!!!

  • Rocky Romano

    Syracuse University Class of 2028

    Beyond getting to know Allie personally, I truly cherished the community I built. The friendships I made will last a lifetime. This new family made senior year so much easier because we all supported each other, providing a breath of fresh air when we needed it most. On top of that, these amazing girls connected me with opportunities for college and beyond. This family is like no other, and gaining new best friends has been the best part of the experience.

  • Skylar Nevins

    University of Delaware Class of 2027

    Becoming a creativejawns ambassador was the best decision. I created so many new relationships and it opened up so many new opportunities. The people and the girls I met through CJAWNS were some of the nicest best people I’ve ever met. Being an ambassador even made me realize that I want to pursue graphic design / marketing in the future. Joining this team is definitely something I would recommend to seniors because it also benefits you when it comes time to college apps and meeting people! I definitely would not have felt as at ease as I did my entire senior year if I was not on the CJ team

  • Izzy Sobel

    Syracuse University Class of 2028

    I loved being a creativejawns amabassador because of the opportunities it has brought me and the friendships that I know will last a lifetime. Being a creativeJawns ambassador brought me a family with girls I know I will be lifelong friends with. It really helped me senior year and navigating the college process and also gave me such a strong support system. It was definitely my favorite part of my senior year. I am forever so grateful that I applied to be an ambassador for the experience, the opportunities and the friendships made. I am so lucky that I got to be a part of this amazing brand and help expand creativejawns.

  • Alanna Stein

    Cornell University Class of 2028

    I’m so grateful to have had the opportunity to be a creativejawns ambassador! This experience has been one of the highlights of my senior year. Through creativejawns, I’ve made many lasting friendships and learned the true value of community. Especially while navigating the stressful college process, it’s been so reassuring to know that I’ll always have the best group of girls in my corner to support me in all I do!